Year 2022
Technologies Nextjs, Reactjs, MongoDB, Firebase, Docker, REST-API
React, Next.js, MongoDB, Firebase
Project Goal

Empowering Equity Investment with AI Predictions - A frontend application for accessing AI-driven equity investment advice.

Invisor is a web application that allows users to pick a company name and see the prediction of price movements based on the news and public sentiment about that company. We trained the AI models in our web app on a large amount of news and numerical data so that we can predict the effects of news on the stock price movement with maximum accuracy. Users just have to type the name of the stock of the company they want to get information about. The goal was to make an application that can be used by anyone seeking investment opportunities in equity markets and can make informed decisions about the sentiments in public about the company they are going to or are invested in. We used the real-time scraped News and Numerical data of the input company and used our AI model to predict the upcoming stock price of that company.